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A critical need in today's world is leadership development.

Únete al Taller de 7 semanas para descubrir la forma de desarrollarte a ti mismo y a los miembros de tu equipo dentro de tu empresa, para mejorar el desempeño, las relaciones y el bienestar en todo lo que hacen.

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To learn more about Mental Fitness


Mental Fitness for Leaders in Mexico

This program is right for you if...

  • You are committed to supporting your company's performance while reducing stress,
  • You are looking for a science-based and reliable operating system for managers,
  • You are willing to make the initial effort to change years of mental habits that do not benefit you.
Positive Intelligence

En 7 semanas de práctica tú podrás:

  • Optimize Performance
  • Improve wellness and happiness
  • Strengthen your Interpersonal Relationships

Develop your mental muscles to improve self-control.

Identify your primary personal saboteurs and weaken them!

App Positive Intelligence

With Mental Fitness, you will be better prepared to respond positively rather than negatively to life's challenges.

Focus on habit formation by addressing the root cause, not just the symptoms, to achieve lasting results.

What participants are saying:

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Make the commitment today to strengthen your Mental Fitness!

Mental Fitness

©2024 Positive Intelligence, LLC
